年末のご挨拶 2023 ☛ 2010
December 2023
Season's Greetings & Wishes for
Health, Prosperity and Success in 2024!
During dinner, my wife asked me, "What is your “ARE"? I paused for a moment, chopsticks in hand.
The Japanese word "ARE" can represent an unspoken aspiration or goal. For me, this year's "ARE" was my goal to mark my years of study of coaching by becoming a Co-active Certified Professional Coach (CPCC) and earning the Associate Certified Coach (ACC) designation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
As I have been advising on global human resources matters for years, I came to realize the importance of listening to each individual's "inner voice". After some years of study and attainment of my coaching certifications, in 2023, I had proudly begun my “two-way play” as a consultant, & trainer/facilitator for organizations and as a coach for individuals.
To date, I have conducted coaching sessions online with clients from various parts of the world including Japan, Singapore, Brazil, the United States, and Turkey. Despite the abundance of information and ideas shared on social media, true "heartfelt conversations" are rare. As a coach, I aspire to help people deepen their self-understanding and forward their action towards achieving fulfillment and satisfaction.
As 2023 is coming to a close, I would like to express my gratitude for everything you have done throughout the year and also express my wishes for your health, prosperity and success into the next year and beyond.
2023 was a banner year for Japan and baseball. Japan won the World Baseball Classic in March with Shohei Otani as MVP; then, in the MLB, he awed the world as a "two-way player" as he stood on the pitcher’s mound and up at bat.
In Japan, an underdog team won the Japan Series for the first time in 38 years. Until this win was clenched, the Manager wouldn’t dare utter the word “victory”. Rather, he would refer to it indirectly as “that thing” or “ARE” in Japanese. In 2023, the word “ARE” was recognized as the buzzword of the year in a ranking of words that have impacted society.
2022温故知新 古きを温ねて新しきを知る 「不便」だからダメではなく、不便だったあの頃から学び、新しきを知る。そんな事を思いながら、もう一杯。 | 2021毎年皆様にとって「飛躍」の年となりますようにとの願いを込めてお送りしてきた「飛ぶらいあん」シリーズでしたが、2011年は、久しぶりに飛んでいない姿をお送りしました。飛ばないけれど、「気持ちはいつでも飛ぶらいあん」のメッセージを添えて。 | 2020"Every cloud has a silver lining" 苦境にも必ず光はある 操縦席の窓の向こうの雲間に走る光のような、激動の年にも一筋の光を見つけた年になりました。 | 2019翌年は弊社創業10年となるマイルストーン年。皆様のお力にな るべく研鑽に努め、タフでしなやかに飛躍できるよう願いを込めて、翌年のオリンピックを意識したトラックを駆け抜ける姿をお見せしました。 | 2018平成から令和へ。平成最後の年に送るカードは、2019年に軽やかにジャンプする姿で。 |
2017 | 2016 | 2015「飛ぶらいあん」第一弾。本当に東京駅前で撮影していると思ってもらえたようでお送りした皆様に大変好評の一枚となりました。 | 2014 | 2013 |
2012 | 2011What Color is Your Company? The World is Full of Colors 企業様それぞれのカラーを大切に、グラマシーエンゲージメントグループは日本企業のグローバル展開を応援します。 | 2010弊社創業年にお世話になった皆様に感謝の気持ちを込めて年末のご挨拶のグリーティングングカードをお送りしました。 |